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African American Technical Assistance & Training Program

The African American Technical Assistance & Training Program (AATA) has contracted with Alameda County Behavioral Health to provide training and resources to health care providers and the community in order to improve the mental health of African American clients.

African American Elder Mental Health and Substance Use

This course will present core concepts geriatric mental health but will do so with an emphasis on older adults of African American and Caribbean-American background. There will be some discussion of approaches to mental illness, particularly anxiety disorders, depression, and psychotic disorders. There will be some exploration of cognitive disorders and substance use disorders as well. Special attention will be paid to elder abuse and support for caregivers. Learn more …

Date: March 28, 2025

Time: 9:00 am – 1:30 pm, PST

Location: Webinar (Online)

Speaker: Karinn Glover, MD

CE Credit available.

Healing and Hope:

Addressing Mental Illness and Trauma in Homeless and Incarcerated African American Adolescents

The positive correlation between mental illness, and adolescents who are justice-involved is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years (Barker et al., 2024). Added to this, is a growing population of adolescents who are experiencing homelessness and who become incarcerated. Concerningly, many of these adolescents are disproportionately African American. Directed through the lens of a correctional psychologist, this training will encourage participants to engage in a discussion regarding why African American adolescents are involved in the justice system, identifying why these adolescents are experiencing homelessness, the prevalence of mental illness while they are incarcerated, as well as intervention techniques that are aimed at this specific population. Learn more …

Course materials


"This is the BEST training I've been to in regards to African American community. The history of stigma and under utilization of MH services. Very clear, had depth, really good engagement of guidance participation. I especially liked Roberta Sanders' approach."

- Training Attendee

"While the training's may have been focused on African- American population, I always appreciate how applicable it is on a broader perspective for diverse populations."

- Training Attendee

"We learn waaaaaaaay more at your trainings than we do at other trainings (we’ve been to two of yours). You deliver reality …and it’s digestible vs. the diluted convoluted information. Your set up and delivery is by far the best! Thank you so much for a great time and the free delicious lunch!"

- Sandra

"So pleased that such services of specific workshops for and about African American communities are being offered."

- Training Attendee

"Instructor was wonderful, caring, kind and knowledgeable"

- Training Attendee

"Thank you for the work you're doing, important to continue these workshops healing minds, bodies, souls, building each day"

- Training Attendee

"Thank you for this warm (safe) energetic training"

- Training Attendee